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How Do You Get Rid of Itchy Eyes?

Are you constantly rubbing your eyes due to an incessant itch? Dry, itchy eyes are a common complaint and can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. They can disrupt your daily activities, making it difficult to read, watch TV, or even drive. But what causes this discomfort, and more importantly, how can you get rid of it?

Common Causes of Dry, Itchy Eyes

A variety of factors can contribute to itchy eyes, including lifestyle choices, environmental allergies, cosmetics, demodex mites, certain ocular medications, blepharitis and meibomian gland disease.

Exploring Treatment Options for Relief

Environmental allergies are the primary cause of ocular itching. There are extremely effective over the counter topical eyedrops and oral medications to control allergies. For severe cases, steroids can be prescribed. Rubbing the eyes makes allergies worse, and cool compresses can be very soothing.


Lifestyle factors that contribute to itching eyes have to be identified and controlled. Excessive screen time causes burning and itching due to evaporative dry eye caused by meibomian gland dysfunction.  Taking frequent breaks, reducing non-essential screen time,  blinking, preventative eyelid hygiene and deep cleaning treatments such as Lipiflow, TearCare, Optilix, iLux or radiofrequency treatments can help restore tear film structure.

Cosmetics should be discarded every 3-6 months, and applicators cleaned regularly. Cosmetics need to be washed off well before bedtime, and we encourage investigating some of the newer cosmetic companies such as Eyes Are the Story that don’t include toxic ingredients.

Demodex blepharitis is a very common ailment which causes lid itching. Use of  tea tree based cleansers and a newer medication (lotilaner), as well as Optilight are all effective treatments.

Patients sometimes develop allergic responses to ocular medications such as those used to treat glaucoma. In these cases alternative classes of medications need to be prescribed. 

Finally, while the hallmark of dry eye is burning or stinging, sometimes allergies co-exist with dry eye disease, and can increase the severity of symptoms.


Navigation Dry, Itchy Eyes Effectively

Dry, itchy eyes can be more than just a minor annoyance; they can significantly impact your quality of life. Left untreated, ocular allergies and dry eye can have negative consequences for the ocular surfaces. By understanding the causes and seeking the appropriate treatment, you can manage your symptoms and find relief.

If you are experiencing dry, itchy eyes, contact our professionals at Forefront Eye Care in our Boston, Massachusetts, office. Please call (617) 322-0534 to book an appointment today.


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