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 A very large percentage of our patients wear contact lenses. We wanted to reach out to you with some helpful suggestions.

 It is not clear which disinfection solutions eradicate coronavirus, but hydrogen peroxide systems are probably more effective.  If you choose to wear your contacts during this time, make sure to disinfect them properly.  Never flush contacts down the toilet or put them in the sink drain. Be mindful that they may be contaminated with coronavirus if you are infected. Therefore, be careful when putting worn lenses on surfaces such as countertops.

 The research literature is clear. To prevent contact lens infections of all kinds: bacterial, viral, and fungal, contact lens wearers must:

 1.     Wash hands thoroughly, at least 20 seconds, with soap and water, and dry hands completely.

2.     Use daily disposable contact lenses if possible, and do not re-use them.

3.     If solutions are required, use them appropriately. Follow manufacturers guidelines. Specifically, do not top-up or re-use solutions.

4.     Replace cases monthly or more frequently. Rinse, wipe, and air-dry contact lens cases every day. Do not rinse lens cases with tap water.

5.     Do not wear contact lenses when you are ill.

6.     Never use tap water to clean any type of contact lens. 

7.      Contact lens users touch their face and eyes more than non-contact lens users.  If you must wear lenses, please be careful. 

This is actually a great time to give your eyes a rest from your contact lenses. Using contacts while on the computer is likely to increase symptoms of dryness. Using contacts if you have spring allergies is likely to make your symptoms worse. 

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