How Does Neurolens Help Deal with Eye Misalignment?

The eyes are among the most important parts of the body. According to experts, of all the learning children do, about 80 percent occur through their eyes. As we grow older, we learn how to use our eyes better and to do many other things. We rely heavily on our ability to see, which means issues with our eyes can affect us significantly.

Our eyes work independently to capture images of the world around us. The image in the retina is transmitted to your brain, where the two images are combined into one. It is a continuous process that carries on if your eyes are open. What happens when your eyes are not working together? The short answer is eye misalignment, and to deal with it, consider Neurolens.

What is Eye Misalignment?


As mentioned above, your eyes collect visual information independently; then, both elements are transmitted to the brain, where they are merged. Unfortunately, this process can become complicated or interrupted in some people through eye misalignment. It is a situation whereby your eyes are looking at different things. 

When your eyes are misaligned, your brain will still receive two images, but they will be very different. For vision to work correctly, your brain must receive images that are similar in many aspects. With eye misalignment, one eye can focus on an object while the other points upwards or downwards. 

Eye misalignment comes in several forms:



In this form of eye misalignment, your eyes tend to cross. It could affect one eye or both, giving you the look of crossed eyes. 



This form of eye misalignment is the opposite of esotropia; your eyes diverge outwards. Unlike esotropia, which can affect one eye, exotropia affects both eyes. It gives a lazy-eye appearance.



In this form of eye misalignment, the eyes are vertically misaligned. It is better known as strabismus. One eye is usually fixated, while the other has a much higher visual axis. 

What is Neurolens?


These lenses are a product of a breakthrough linking neurology and optometry, thus the name. The lenses utilize a technology known as contoured prisms to bring the eyes back into alignment. The technology uses intelligence to place the alignment correction where it is most needed. 

The lenses are unique to each person as they are customized to your specific condition. They also come in various prescriptions to meet any visual demand necessary. They are premium lenses, which means they have high-quality coatings and materials. According to reports, these lenses have a dramatic 93 percent effectiveness in people with eye misalignment symptoms. 

What Eye Misalignment Symptoms Do Neurolens Correct?


Because of the nature of eye misalignment described earlier, it causes your brain to expend much effort. Your brain must work harder to reconcile the visual information your eyes gather. It causes significant strain to the entire visual system as your eyes also try to correct themselves. It can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Constant headaches

  • Eyestrain

  • Computer vision syndrome

  • Neck and shoulder pain

  • Dizziness during the day

Usually, these symptoms will get worse at the end of the day and are mild in the morning. It is because the more you use your eyes, the more strain you put on yourself. 

For more on how Neurolens, visit Korb & Associates at our office in Boston, Massachusetts. Call (617) 322-0534 to book an appointment today.

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